Bronze Age axe, jewelry hoard found in Czech Republic

Bronze Age hoard with axes, a spreadhead and jewelry. Photo courtesy Lucie Heyzlová,.A Bronze Age metal hoard of weapons and jewelry has been discovered in Budyně nad Ohří, a town in north Bohemia about 25 miles northwest of Prague, Czech Republic. Experts are still analyzing the artifacts, but the design style of the objects date them to the Middle Bronze Age, approximately 3,500 years ago. One of the axes is older than the rest of the pieces; it dates to the Early Bronze Age (2000-1500 B.C.).

The hoard was discovered last year by a metal detectorist in a field on the outskirts of the town. He brought the objects to the Podřipské Museum in Roudnice nad Labem where they were examined by archaeologists who confirmed they were Bronze Age artifacts.

The treasure consists of eight bangles (bracelets or anklets), eight axe heads, two long ball-headed pins and a spearhead. They are all made of bronze. The axe heads would originally have been mounted to a piece of wood that naturally bent at a right angle so the blade could be used as a hatchet.

The hoard was transported to the Brno Institute of Archeology and Museology for further study. They were subjected to X-ray fluorescence analysis to determine the composition of the metal. Depending on the results, it may be possible to narrow down the origin of the metal based on its composition. Researchers will also use microscopic photography on the axe head to discover any damage on the surface that might attest to how the blade was used.

The hoard was deliberately buried. They may have been left as a votive offering for a deity, or in reaction to danger in the village like an enemy raid. The metal alone was very valuable, and the finely worked tools may have been cached to prevent them being stolen. They may also have been intended for sale by the manufacturer or by a merchant and placed in the ground for temporary storage.

The artifacts are currently undergoing conservation. When treatment is complete, they will go on display at the Podřipsko Museum in early 2025.

Wall built to trap Spartacus found

Archaeologists have identified an ancient stone wall in the Dossone della Melìa, a high plateau in southern Calabria, as one of the defensive structures built by Roman general Marcus Licinius Crassus to trap Spartacus and his army of escaped slaves. The moss-covered wall is 2.7 km (1.7 miles) long and is paired with an earthwork on one side. The wall also would have originally been accompanied by a deep ditch (fossa), but that is now lost.

[University of Kentucky’s Dr. Paolo] Visona believes that Spartacus attacked the wall in his bid to break free of the trap that Crassus had constructed for him. The discovery of numerous broken iron weapons, including sword handles, large curved blades, javelin points, a spearhead, and other metal debris, indicate a battle took place at the site.

The Dossone plateau extends from the toe of Italy’s boot to the arch, from the Reggio Calabria on the Straits of Messina and the Tyrrhenian Sea to the Isthmus of Catanzaro and the Ionian Sea. It was used as the main regional pass between the eastern and western coasts of southern Italy since at least the 6th century B.C. (and continued to be used well into the 16th century). It was so strategically important to the Greek colonies in Calabria that the dominant city in the area, Locri Epizephyrii, had forts along the pass and regular patrols to protect its territory from attack by rival colonies.

Spartacus and 70 gladiators escaped imprisonment in the gladiatorial training school in Capua in 73 B.C. This tiny core expanded geometrically, drawing in enslaved rural and urban workers, shepherds, farmers, men, women and children until there were 70,000 rebels successfully raiding towns and making fools of the Roman commanders sent to quash the rebellion.

Spartacus and his co-leaders made ample use of the local knowledge in their ranks, military tactics and understanding of the terrain among them. The Social War between Rome and its former Italian allies less than 20 years earlier had seen a great deal of action in southern Italy, and there were certainly veterans of that rebellion among Spartacus’ forces. By the time Spartacus and his ragtag army made their way to Rhegium (Reggio Calabria) in 71 B.C., however, the richest man in Rome, the ruthless general Marcus Licinius Crassus, was on his tail. Crassus cut off access to the Straits of Messina so Spartacus could not flee to Sicily and he ordered construction of fortifications to block their movements and supply chains.

Hemmed in by Crassus and with news that Pompey’s legions, fresh from war in Spain, had been dispatched to crush the rebellion once and for all, Spartacus busted through the fortifications and headed east for the heel of the boot. They didn’t make it. They made a hard turn north and the final confrontation between the Spartacan army and the Roman legions of Crassus took place in 71 B.C. in Senerchia, 260 miles north of Rhegium.

Traditional pre-Hispanic boat, cargo found in Mexico

Archaeologists with Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) have discovered a tepari, a traditional boat, and the load it carried on the shores of Janitzio, one of the islands in Lake Pátzcuaro in the state of Michoacán. The tepari is large at 14.8 (48.6 feet) long and was found still carrying cargo, primarily firewood, that it was carrying from the town of Erongarícuaro to the island when it was submerged.

The tepari was discovered in May, and due to its unusually large size and state of preservation, the find triggered an expanded excavation around the find site. They unearthed numerous artifacts while dredging the island’s coastline. The stand-out find in the follow-up excavation was a group of worked human bones, mostly femurs, with xparallel grooves cut into them. There were also ceramic objects and carved stone which were likely thrown into the lake as offerings.

The objects discovered in this excavation and in previous ones, including several tepari, are undergoing conservation to make them stable for display. The ultimate goal is for the artifacts to form the backbone of a new community museum on Janitzio Island.